Saturday 10 March 2018

Advertising Production Process

Advertising Production Process


Summarize your goals for the advertisement in a creative brief for your advertising agency, or the staff members who will produce it for you. Define the target market, clarify your message and state the specific action you would like its members to take, such as to visit your website or call a toll-free number. Include your budget, timeline and any specifications on where and when you want the advertisement to run. Specify the particular television station, publication or radio show. Suggest images or phrases that might help achieve your goals.


The creative process begins in earnest once you hand over the brief. The advertising professionals will work up proofs, or in the case of commercials, storyboards, that bring your ideas to fruition. Review the preliminary concepts for consistency with your ideas and their ability to achieve your goals. Avoid cost overruns by confirming in advance how many revisions you are entitled to before incurring additional charges. Ensure that the final advertisement includes the necessary contact information, as well as any needed mention of pricing or a special offer.


Check the publication you have contracted with to confirm that your advertisement has run according to the agreed upon terms. If you ordered color, it should not be in black and white. Similarly, watch or listen to your broadcast advertisement. Television and radio stations specify when your commercials will run. Make sure that they do. Track any corresponding increase in phone calls or web traffic. Consider running the advertisement again if the response was strong. Contemplate tweaking your strategy, or starting the advertising production process anew if the results disappoint you.

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