Monday 26 October 2020


Creative Branding

Are  you look for best advertising agency in calicut ,kerala, here we introduce a new face of digital marketing “Makkani productions”. Makkaniproductions offers various services such as branding ,videoproduction,digital marketing,webdevelopment,event.We have an excellent ,creative team their guidance gives you better tracking ideas and always aim for a better venture. Makkanis are teashops found in remote places of kerala which get started with the first ray of sun. More than being a teashop, its more like a culture where everything under the sun can become a topic of discussion. Makkani is not just broken benches or faded walls, it is a place where new ideas are lighted, boiled and cooked up. Our Makkani is no different from this. Its a place where you can get hot fresh baked ideas.. Its a place where every idea can be boiled..

We are top leading advertisingagency in calicut, kerala and UAE with full of creative ideas that drive powerful results. We provide advertising, design, event planning, digital marketing. Makkani Productions in one of the top advertising agencies incalicut kerala.

We creates better strategy and effective design for our clients that different from all other branding agencies in calicut, Kerala. We are one of the top branding agency in kerala

We've an end-to-end creative video production crew; dealing with passion to build up an new concept, through filming, editing, post-production and storyboarding to provide with an digital marketing package. We are one of the top advertising agency in kerala which gives top class video advertisements.

We develop websites with creative UI design which is most attractive and engaging one for visitors. We provide best quality websites which is responsive for all devices and cost effective.

Our experts helps to grow your brand or business online through Digital Marketing - the best way possible. Makkani Productions is one of the top digital marketing agency in Calicut, Kerala.





Friday 12 October 2018


Global Reach

this is one of the important benefits of Internet Marketing. online marketing helps to reach your product or service beyond your local area and reach out to your target audience. a website allows you to interact with any person from anywhere in the world. You do not need to be there, and you do not need to travel.

Target the right peoples

in traditional marketing methods, you hope that your targeted audience may see your promotions. But with internet marketing, we can target customers based on several criteria, like interests, age, gender, looks like etc..
so you can sure that your promotions are reached on the right persons.wecan also measurable the level of it gave a clear cut report to a marketer

Better Brand Engagement

to be live in the industry you need to build up brand awareness to ensure customer loyalty.appear online frequent is the best way to constancy manage the brand value and also getting more through online marketing, your brand awareness level also will improve

Cost Effective

when compared to traditional way of marketing, digital marketing is cost-effective.if a person thinksto start digital marketing, he not need more capital or even no may start with a blog, email marketing, facebook, youtube Instagram etc to connect peoples. A traditional promotion like the daily paper, radio, TV, and flayer may cost very high. While a little fraction of this money can run PPC publicizing on Facebook, Google, and other PPC organizations.

Time Effective

compared to traditional marketing digital marketing is very time effective. we can perform our promotion within our office need of printing or other stationary items.a computer and good internet connection is the most essential tool we want to do digital marketing. and the result, that of the promotion, we get it very faster


When you add an advertisement in the daily paper or a magazine, it can be hard to access the immediate deals and their sales affect your business. With the advantages of internet marketing, everything can be followed and tracked through detailed diagrams. These diagrams produce us activity development, traffic growth, leads and deals transformations from your specific search marketing efforts. Utilizing free analytics tools like Google Analytics, google console.. etc will help you measure the success of your internet marketing campaigns.

Helps in Follow Ups

in the traditional market to see owners giving their business cards to clients after business. Most of the times clients on such events misplaces the cards. It is just when the need emerges again for the same kind of service, they start to think where the card is. In digital marketing, you can easily get email addresses of both- the clients and the prospects. You may begin follow-up marketing to prospects by means of auto responding email. Hence, you can establish an effective after-sales relationship with your existing purchasers. The email gives profitable data about the item purchased, related rebates and coupon accessible on different merchandise and services, and hence acquaints new items to the clients.


digital marketing benefits fare superior to conventional traditional marketing in terms of personalization, transaction execution, and data collection. You can serve a large number of clients simultaneously according to their particular interests. This is depicted by their whitelists, previous items purchased, IP addresses, pages visited, cookies, etc.

Makkani productions is an advertising agency in kerala with full-fledged digital production team engaged with all kind of design, video and audio production. We are a creative establishment specializing in branding, social media marketing, ad films, television programs, corporate videos, animations, and corporate events

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Why SEO Important For Business?

Many business owners think that they need Search engine optimisation(SEO) for their Firms, SEO will surely improve a website’s overall ranking and visibility, but what other real value does it offer? Why is SEO so important? These are some reasons clarity, why businesses need SEO to take their brand to the next level.

*Organic search is the primary way to have traffic
Organic searching is the primary way to have the traffic  of is the most important part of business websites performance and engine optimisation(SEO) help to optimise your website and make appropriate for search engines the website ranking increases and website may be placed on the first page of search engine result page. this heil to have more traffic to the website.

*Build trust

Trust and credibility is the backbone of every digital marketing, a website act as a global outlet of a business.anyone can access the product or service from anywhere in the world.this accessible only through a website. when a client searching on the internet for a product or service, there is a lot of websites appear in front of him.providing right or false information.from all these the chance of selecting our website is very low.
in this case, we optimise the website through seo.thats why we can target right keywords and that’s why potential customers can access our site very a visitor increase his trust towards us this help the business very well

*Better user experience

people want high ranking and visibility. they need to be listed on top pages of search engine result page. For attaining this better user experience is very necessary. but people not aware of it
on doing quality search engine optimisation brings the quality user experience

*Local SEO-Best way

due to the rise of mobile traffic, local search becomes the main part of small-scale business success. local optimisation focus on specific cities, towns and even states also.

*SEO-Low Price
compare to other marketing tactics,  SEO is very cheap at cost. but the result that SEO makes long for months or years

*Long term
SEO  last for long terms because it’s an organic way.

here i mentioned some of the importants benefits.seo is wide area.
Makkani productions is an advertising agency in kerala with full fledged digital production team engaged with all kind of design, video and audio production. We are a creative establishment specializing in branding, social media marketing, ad films, television programs, corporate videos, animations and corporate events

Wednesday 2 May 2018

What Is the Difference Between Advertising & Promotion


In its narrowest sense, advertising refers to messages you send to the public via newspaper and magazine displays, billboards, TV and radio commercials and website banners. You control the content and graphics and pay for space to display your message. The ads are meant to work graphically with the medium to make your message stand out, competing with articles, graphics, music, shows and other ads, called “clutter.” The more ads a medium has, the more “clutter” it contains and the less attractive it is.


Promotion, more commonly referred to as promotions, is a method of announcing your product or service using more dynamic means you can more easily modify or change. Examples include coupons; sales; celebrity endorsements; event, team or league sponsorships; contests; rebates; free samples; catalogs; social media; donations; and direct mail. Unlike public relations, which is an attempt to get the media to promote your message at no cost, promotion is often an expense. A social media campaign is an example of a promotion that has no cost, other than staff time.

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Makkani Productions - We are one of the best Advertising agency in Kerala & Creative Advertising Agencies in Calicut which undertakes all designing and development works including Brochures, Branding, Logos, Corporate events & Video Productions
Tags: Advertising Agencies in Calicut, Advertising Agency in kerala , Advertising agency in India, Advertising Agencies in UAE, branding company in Calicut, branding agency in Calicut, Branding agency in Kerala, creative Ad Agency in Kerala, Ad agency in UAE

Monday 30 April 2018

4 Advantages Of Using a Marketing Agency

1. Financial Benefits

If you hire your own team of marketing personnel, you must pay each member a decent salary. You also have to worry about offering benefits and incentives to keep these employees loyal. Rather than taking on such costs, you can hire a marketing agency and pay a flat fee for the services offered. The agency employs the specialists who will work on your account, and these specialists can be assigned to a number of different projects at once. This translates to reduced costs for you, without negatively affecting the ultimate outcome of the campaign or marketing plan.

2. Agencies Specialize In a Variety Of Methods And Tactics

Marketing agencies that have been in business and established themselves possess knowledge of their industry that a marketing graduate likely does not have. One of the major benefits of choosing an agency over a full-time professional is the fact that an entire team will work on your campaign to ensure your goals are met. Each team member brings different skills and background to the table. More than likely, the agency has experience with marketing in your industry and promoting brands similar to yours. They may employ a variety of marketing tactics and expand your reach into your target market. By allowing the agency to carry the ball for your sales strategy, you can focus on servicing the clients already on your roster.

3. Professionalism

You might believe that with a little extra focus, you could spend time in the office mapping out your marketing strategy on your own. While you might be a gifted entrepreneur, it takes experience and knowledge to become a talented marketer. Leave the marketing tasks to the professionals and do not assume non-marketers can do things that appear simple on the surface. By hiring an agency, you can have peace of mind, knowing that professionals will give you insight and advice on which tactics are best for your campaign. While there are plenty of in-house marketers who are capable workers, agencies follow a professional code of conduct that should give you greater peace of mind.

4. More Creativity, More Results

Marketers must have a creative mindset and be able to think outside the box. To be honest, some entrepreneurs simply are not sufficiently creative to manage their own marketing effort. If you suspect that you cannot wear the creative hat, get an agency to wear it for you. Agency marketers are also less likely to get so close to the project that they cease to bring an outside perspective and lose sight of the end result.
Outsourcing your PR and marketing could be one of the best decisions you will ever make. You can keep your costs low, control other efforts, and allow specialists to take control of the campaign. Take the burden off your shoulders and let a skilled team employ their knowledge to promote your brand.
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Makkani Productions - We are one of the best Advertising agency in Kerala & Creative Advertising Agencies in Calicut which undertakes all designing and development works including Brochures, Branding, Logos, Corporate events & Video Productions
Tags: Advertising Agencies in CalicutAdvertising Agencies in India, Advertising agency in India, Advertising Agencies in UAE, branding company in Calicut, branding agency in Calicut, Branding agency in Kerala, creative Ad Agency in Kerala, Ad agency in UAE

Wednesday 14 March 2018

3 Advantages of Commercial Advertising

3 Advantages of Commercial Advertising

Targeted Audience

Because television and radio stations keep detailed information about audience demographics, it's possible to broadcast your commercials to the exact consumer group you're looking to capture. Salespeople will work with you to tell you which shows and time slots reach which demographics, then you can negotiate an advertising package that airs your commercials only when your potential customers are tuning in. Work with cable companies and you can decide which channels air your advertising too. That's useful if you have a product that appeals to people with certain interests. For example, if you're selling a product for cooking, it makes sense to advertise on food and cooking channels.

A Chance to Sell Directly

"Call now" infomercials still work surprisingly well if your small business is selling a product that needs a demonstration for consumers to recognize its benefits. Known as direct response advertising, these 30-, 60- and 120-second advertising spots are usually sold by cable networks for a lower cost than for traditional commercials. If your product is already selling well, a direct TV production company could pick up the cost of producing your commercial in exchange for a portion of your revenues. Because these commercials include toll-free phone numbers for customers to call, it's easy to measure the return on your advertising investment.

Costs Vary

A television ad doesn't have to cost you millions of dollars. According to a 2006 "Entrepreneur" magazine report, airing a TV ad generally cost between $90 to $2,500 per commercial, meaning you could adjust your strategy based on the funds you have to work with. If you advertise with a local station during a popular talk show, expect to pay $90 to $300 per 30-second spot. For slots during news broadcasts, expect to pay anywhere between $200 to $1,500 locally. To get an idea of national advertising rates, double your numbers. Prime time slots are always pricey, no matter what advertising scale you choose. Radio advertising costs tend to be lower and stations will often produce your ad for you for free. A 2009 "Entrepreneur" article estimated that radio had a cost per thousand impressions of $4, compared to $10 for locally broadcast TV ads.


Makkani Productions - We are one of the best Advertising agency in Kerala & Creative Advertising Agencies in Calicut which undertakes all designing and development works including Brochures, Branding, Logos, Corporate events & Video Productions
Tags: Advertising Agencies in CalicutAdvertising Agencies in India, Advertising agency in India, Advertising Agencies in UAE, branding company in Calicut, branding agency in Calicut, Branding agency in Kerala, creative Ad Agency in Kerala, Ad agency in UAE

Tuesday 13 March 2018

How Online Advertising Works

How Online Advertising Works

While online advertising is a proven way to target and reach audiences with concise messaging, myriad options make it tough to know which avenue(s) will be most effective for a business. The major online advertising options (described below) offer enough variety so businesses of any size, type, and budgetary constraints can conduct an ad campaign that suits their needs. Online advertising affords certain benefits that business marketers can leverage:
  • Advertise only to those in the target audiences, with easily-customizable, specific messaging, since “online” is where customers are
  • Track effectiveness via metrics demonstrating an ad’s impact on traffic to the website or other measures, then modify in real-time as needed
  • Businesses of any size and type can participate – e-commerce business (sells only online); local/regional service or product business (for customers in a specific location, i.e., retail stores, restaurants, physicians, etc.); non-geographic services (not limited by location, such as consulting or IT support)
Online advertising is much more fluid and dynamic than simple print ads. Online ads can and should be precise in who they target, going only to viewers based on location, age, interests, or other demographics relevant to the business. Most businesses structure and pay for online ads in one of two ways: pay-per-click advertising or fixed rate advertising.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) is paying for an ad based solely on the amount of clicks it gets. A business can post multiple versions of the same ad and quickly see which gets the most clicks and make changes as needed. This is effective for those with a strict budget, as spending limits can be preset.
  • Fixed Rate is when businesses pay a set price for ads up front, and is used often on content-focused sites where the target audience is likely already there.
  • In both cases, the ‘click’ goes to the business’s homepage or a content-specific landing page.
Types of Online Ads
Google Adwords > These ads appear on Google search result pages, on the side, for businesses pertaining to the search criteria and accounting for the demographic parameters. These are usually PPC ads and are effective for campaigns based on specific keywords.
Search Ads > These are similar to Google Adwords, except these ads appear assearch results (usually top results) instead of on the side. This example shows how ads appear ahead of organic search results for search criteria of “buy a PC”.

Makkani Productions - We are one of the best Advertising agency in Kerala & Creative Advertising Agencies in Calicut which undertakes all designing and development works including Brochures, Branding, Logos, Corporate events & Video Productions
Tags: Advertising Agencies in CalicutAdvertising Agencies in India, Advertising agency in India, Advertising Agencies in UAE, branding company in Calicut, branding agency in Calicut, Branding agency in Kerala, creative Ad Agency in Kerala, Ad agency in UAE

  Creative Branding Are   you look for best advertising agency in calicut ,kerala , here we introduce a new face of digital marketing “Ma...